Marwen - Paintbrush Ball 2020
In early 2020 the DDB design team was given a pro-bono project for Marwen, an after school visual arts program for students from under resourced communities in the Chicago area. Marwen is completely free and fully funded through donations, with the annual Paintbrush Ball as their biggest fundraiser.

We were tasked with ideating and executing a unique theme across multiple platforms including the invitation, social initiatives, event activities, and interactive installations. Unfortunately the event was postponed due to Covid-19 but I’m hopeful that our designs will come to life when it’s safe to gather once again.

Step through the journey from concept to full execution below.

I love incorporating collage into my work so I knew that
was something I wanted to play around with in my concept. 
Below are a few selected images from my conceptual
mood board that eventually turned into the chosen theme
for the Paintbrush Ball, “Wonder Within”.

Proof of concept collage tests that I created to
see if my idea could be executed using images
of students and their work that captured at Marwen.

The idea was blown out into a small brand system to
utilize throughout all deliverables for the Paintbrush Ball.
An assortment of designed posters, cards,
and installation concepts can be seen below.

© 2024

Brooklyn, NY.